What Happens if Your Zirconia Implants Break?

In the video above, Dr. Caleb Stott from Smile Now Dentures & Implants explains what can happen if your zirconia implant bridge cracks or breaks after a few years. Zirconia is widely regarded as a reliable material in modern dentistry, but like any dental prosthesis, certain factors can cause damage or premature failure. In this post, we’ll explore why zirconia might fracture and what steps to take if it does.

Why Zirconia Is a Reliable Choice

Zirconia is a versatile and durable material that’s used for individual crowns, bridges, and even implants. It undergoes a specialized manufacturing process—similar to firing pottery—where it’s initially softer (in a “green state”) before being hardened in an oven. When properly designed and manufactured, zirconia bridges can last for many years and provide excellent aesthetics and strength.

However, a rare manufacturing defect can occur if there’s an impurity or a small crack introduced during the shaping or firing stages. Such defects can weaken the finished restoration and lead to unexpected fractures.

Common Reasons for Zirconia Bridge Fractures

Fractures typically point to a few underlying issues, including:

  • Manufacturing defects. Impurities or damage introduced during the production process.
  • Poor foundation support. If one or more implants lose proper bone support, the resulting micro-movements may stress the restoration.
  • Excessive grinding or clenching. Patients with bruxism can place additional force on the zirconia, causing cracks over time.
  • Insufficient thickness. If the zirconia is not thick enough in critical areas, it may be prone to fracture under normal bite forces.

What to Do If Your Zirconia Bridge Breaks

Dr. Stott notes that zirconia usually can’t be patched once a substantial break occurs. In most cases, a full replacement is the only reliable solution. Here are the recommended steps:

  1. Return to your original provider. They already have your records and are familiar with your implants and how the restoration was made. This is often the most cost-effective approach.
  2. Assess implant health. The bridge will likely need to be removed so the implants underneath can be examined. If an implant isn’t stable or has lost bone support, it could be contributing to the fracture.
  3. Consider a warranty. At Smile Now, a five-year warranty covers replacement if the break happens within that period, ensuring minimal out-of-pocket expense for patients.
  4. Find a reputable implant dentist. If you can’t return to the original provider, seek out a practice specializing in full-arch rehabilitations to properly evaluate and rebuild your smile.
Close-up view of zirconia implant bridges

The Importance of Gum Tissue in the Success of Zirconia Implants

Healthy gum tissue is also essential for long-term implant success. As Dr. Stott mentions, “Bone sets the tone, but tissue is the issue.” If your tissue is naturally thicker (thick biotype), it provides a strong seal around the implant, helping to reduce inflammation and protect against bacteria. Thinner tissue (thin biotype) can be more prone to tearing or infection, which may affect implant stability.

When the tissue around your implants is too thin, some dentists may recommend a gum graft or place implants deeper so the tissue can remodel more effectively. Thick, healthy tissue can help ensure your implants stand the test of time.

Final Thoughts

Zirconia is an excellent material for full-arch restorations, offering a blend of strength and natural appearance. While fractures are rare, they do occur. When they happen, it’s crucial to work with an experienced implant dentist, assess your underlying implants, and address any contributing factors—like tissue health, bruxism, or weak bone support.

If you have questions or you’re unsure about the health of your implants, feel free to reach out to Smile Now Dentures & Implants. As Dr. Stott suggests, you can also drop your location in the video’s comments, and he’ll do his best to direct you to the right professional in your area.